Giggles Bracelet is featured on pg 18 of the June/July 09 issue of
American Craft magazine, as part of a wonderful article about
Facéré Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle WA. Congrats to Karen Lorene on the wonderful press for her and her gallery. I'm happy to be included in the article and honored to have been represented by Karen's amazing gallery for 7 years and counting!

One of the first major press spreads I ever received was in American Craft's "Portfolio" section, Oct/Nov 2004. It's interesting to think back to how far I've come since that feature five years ago…
Congrats, Margaux! Your piece looks great!
I came across this the other day, i dont know if you have seen it. http://www.venrath.ch/barbie_01.html
It looks great in the magazine : )
Thanks ladies! I really appreciate your kind words.
Chelsea - I have known about that work. Frustrating, but probably not close enough to mine that it would be a copyright infringement. Thanks though!
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