Monday, July 09, 2007

Earth Art at it's best

I've been meaning to share this link for a while. It's an Underwater Sculpture Gallery created by artist Jason Taylor, located in the west indies. Being slightly afraid of all things in the deep I find this idea both alluring and frightening. For the life of me I can't remember where I first came across this website but anyway it's pretty amazing. Check it out…

So haunting, no? If you have a moment, watch the decay slideshow - it's very cool.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Spooky yet beautiful.

Margaux Lange said...

Aren't they though? I love it.

Anonymous said...

Haven't you ever thought that they might be the real bodies of the many slaves and other dead people who died on the travels from the indies to many different countries during the era of the slave trade.
This kind of stuff doesn't happen naturally

Margaux Lange said...

Just so we're clear here, you do realize it's an art installation, right? They're obviously not "real bodies." (which you would discover if you had clicked on the artist's link provided.)

It is quite possible however that the piece is inspired by slave trading. It's meant to be provocative, and I think it achieves this quite successfully.

Anonymous said...

wow pretty but creepy